
Franchises for sale



the original Thai food since 1989, expands over 150 units all over Thailand and internationally. It offers all authentic spicy E-san menu and Mother Noi’s legendary authentic Thai food recipes well-known for over 30 years marking another spicy food standard for nationwide customers. Tummour has been very dedicated in delivery the best, which has led us to succeed in expanding over 160 outlets domestically and internationally. Tummour still explores new opportunities to continuously add values in food for Thai consumers who are searching for varieties.

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Corporate Finance Advisory

Gnosis advises the financial management, financial projection, investment assessment, financial analysis to reduce the risks and increase the business wealth.


Business Valuer

Gnosis prepares the Business Valuation report. We calculate the Fair Value with the international standard methodology.


Franchise Developer

Gnosis builds the franchise strategic plan, investment and fee structure, franchise operation manual, and marketing plan. We set the Franchise standard for your solid business expansion.

Business Matching Event

Business Matching Service

Gnosis is the business matching professional in Thailand. We have the large database of buyer and seller including the business partner in local and international to close the deal successfully.