Taiwan Franchise 2021 or the 2021 Taipei International Chain and Franchise Online Exhibition is on 24-27 September 2021. Gnosis Company Limited virtually exhibits and is ready to meet online at this booth .
For the Taiwan Franchise 2021, we particularly introduce the services to reach your goals including;
- Expansion to Thailand : Gnosis expertises in the business development in Thailand. If you look for expansion in Thailand, you are not confident where to start. Gnosis can study your business feasibility covering the market research, operation capability, related laws and regulation, financial projections and risk evaluation.
- Scaling up your business: Gnosis has the solid experiences in franchising and licensing the businesses and help them to scale more units and franchisees. From assessing the Franchisability, we build the strategic plans, franchise investment and fee structures, operation manual, training plan, franchisee recruitment, franchise relationships and field supports.
- Generating more Leads : Gnosis organizes the business matching events both online and offline by connecting with the local networks and the big database of the potential leads that we will select to get the right potential buyers and franchisees of your requirements.
- Being the Boss : Gnosis represents many Thai and International Franchise Brands. Should you look for having the Thai franchise brands, we assist you to deal with the brands and follow up to open the first store. check the lists of Franchise for Sale
Gnosis Company Limited is pleased to connect the opportunities and scale up your businesses in the new territories.
Please feel free to visit us and make an appointment to discuss further information at 2021 Taipei International Chain and Franchise Online Exhibition (24-27 September 2021) click the link